Father's Day

This year on Father's Day I thought it would be exciting to go to a baseball game...anyone who knows us knows how much Mike loves the sport! Luckily, my work offered special seats at a Dayton Dragon's game. I thought they would have a wonderful time, and luckily we did. Nevermind me reading the tickets wrong, us showing up the game an hour early, and it being incredibly hot! Corey seemed to enjoy himself. It was obvious at various times during the game that he was bored out of his mind, but true to himself he found something to keep himself occupied.

After the game he was able to run the bases...he looked so small out there!! But again, he looked so big!! I can't believe how much he has changed recently!! So many people have told us how fun the 4-year-old stage is...I tend to agree!!!!


I love the last picture..so cute!
What a great way to spend Father's Day! Thanks for sharing your pictures...and 4 is a fun age, I actually miss it! We are always open to having little boys around here...