Summer Begins

Finally we have hit that warm, sultry weather that I absolutely adore! I live for this time of year! It never comes soon enough, and ends way to early. Corey is already asking me when it's going to snow again (he wants to wear his boots for some unforseen reason). He is his father's son!!!

Corey has finished his first year of pre-school. He will go again next year, and then be off to kindergarten. For his birthday this year, we purchased a Power Wheel for him...I think he would pass out if he knew he couldn't ride it anymore. There have been times in the past few weeks that I have to stop and think, he's 4 not 15. Some of the phrases that he uses are amazing.

Bradley is crawling, and even sometimes stands unassisted. I can't believe it's time to start thinking about his birthday already. I can't believe that he's almost a year old!! He still doesn't seem that interested in walking, but who knows. At any given point, he'll probably take off!! I think that once he realizes he can go...he'll just run everywhere...and then climb. GRRR!!

Mike has decided to pursue his schooling. He wants to go back to school to be a Paramedic. I'm fully on board!! I'm so excited for him!! I think he's somewhat nervous about how hard it's going to be...two jobs, two kids (and a crazy wife!!). I just keep telling him to do it now. I don't want him to feel like he's missing out on the boys later. Now is when they aren't into eight thousand activities, let's get it over!!! Please keep him in his thoughts for the fall when his classes start.

I'm still totally in love with my job. I feel so fortunate that I decided to go and get this additional schooling...and at the time when I did. There currently aren't that many positions available out what a blessing it was to be able to pick which job I wanted, rather than just having to take the job that was available. I have been frequenting the gym now. I can't believe how much different I feel...even after only a couple weeks, I miss it when I can't go. I haven't noticed tremendous changes in my body, but I can tell it's coming! If nothing else, it's the mindset that has changed now. I think that's part of the battle!! (Admitting there is a problem is where you start!!!) Each day is a new day, and we'll get there eventually!
