Bath Time

While bathing the boys, I usually put both of them into the bath tub. Bradley is my first target. Corey sits patiently (well as patiently as a three-year-old can), and plays in the water. Once I am finished bathing the baby, I get him out and lotion and dress him. The last few times, he has gotten very upset with me. I have stood him up against the tub, because he acts like he wants to see Corey. He gets SOOO excited! I think it's really cute how much he just talks and laughs at Corey. I really think he would stand there all day (with a little assistance).

Check out these hamhocks! Gotta love baby fat!


Gotta love that baby butt! Great picture that he will hate you for later in life..hehe way to go mom!

As far as Colin goes..he is doing a great job and is moving up through his therapies really fast. He is actually surprising the therapists. We just have bad days around here and I vent on my blog. He really is doing great and is working hard at actually "playing" with kids now..not just beside them. He doesn't always understand or he gets way too excited, but he is getting it. It was just that we had to find a different way of teaching and explaining things to him. It is amazing watching him when he finally get something!

The kids look great by the way!